Stiggy and Michelle’s - 3rd March, 2012

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This is the first photo from Stiggy and Michelle’s night of nights on the 3rd March, 2012.

Michelle reports
“Everyone got a chance to have a really good chat with those who were here. At times it was like we were around a campfire - chairs in a circle just laughing and throwing lines back and forth. Greg & John played their guitars until Greg broke a string and then we just kept talking and talking really.
We finished up at 4am when Chris Cunnington left and Kerry, Sue and Paula stayed the night here. Then we all lined up for breakfast, and John Glanville came over for breakkie too round 9am.
Woh, I was tired on Monday for work but firing on all cylinders now.”

And let’s not forget about Stiggy’s Special Drop - ‘Lord Wavell’s Lager’- well let's just say that we had 60 stubbies and they all went!  So they must have been enjoyed. I think some were sceptical at first but as the night wore on Lord Wavell’s Lager was surprisingly popular.”

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